External shopfront sign for Khyber Grill, Charlestown

External shopfront sign Charlestown

Client: Khyber Grill, Charlestown, County Mayo

Category: Outdoor Cost effective External shopfront sign Charlestown

Here is a cost-effective outdoor external shopfront sign we designed and fitted for Khyber Grill in Charlestown County Mayo, Ireland. The sign is made from Correx Board and then overprinted and laminated for added durability. These signs are ideal external signs which due to their cost-effectiveness. They will generally last approx 1-2 years depending on the location and whether they are exposed to the elements. These outdoor signs can be printed up to 8ft x 4ft in size and some people even butt them together to create larger signs. Call us today if you are based in Ireland and are looking for any kind of outdoor sign be it a shopfront sign or any other type of sign.